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Training all year
We invite you to join our creative workshops.
you can discovering exciting aspects of culture from different countries and the same time you can to learn various manual techniques.
In addition we'll show amazing painting techniques, modeled in clay and stop motion.
You'll have fun doing designs personage, scenography, painting and playing.
Come have fun with us.
Open enrollment

Afternoons from: 17:30 to 19:30
Saturday from: 11:00 to 13:00
Class for children's, young people and adults
Subscribe our new courses, we'll you teach new techniques and concepts. We will wait for you.
The courses will be opened with a minimum of 5 students for class, classes are personalized and with a maximum of 10 students for workshop.
For more information on the workshops and enrollment goes through our school or send an email to colibrirojodesign@gmail.com.
Modeling clay workshop
Clay and play dough
The modeling in clay is a process of creating a three-dimensional image of any object, character or scene.
This is a technique used to perform a type of stop motion animation, an animation of characters and sceneries made with clay or putty, the characters are molded simulating expressions and actions in order to keep them alive in an environment created for this purpose.
Modeling with clay or putty, helps to exercise fine motor skills in the hands and fingers accurately, it facilitates concentration, it’s relaxing and increases the capacity for experimentation and creation.
In this workshop you will learn to make characters and scenery, in order to make a animated short in stop motion.
All the year
Adults: Timetables to choose
Children: Timetables to choose
Cost. € 10 / Hour

Workshop Inks
Damp techniques
The damp techniques are basically all those pigments that blend in an aqueous medium and lets you draw on paper, cloth, canvas, etc.
The damp techniques basically respond to the movement of the hand, with a paintbrush, whose line drawing depend on the density of the ink, paper moisture, loading ink containing the paintbrush, the type of tool being used and different frames and lines, etc. However, the damp techniques produce many more qualities and textures and more intense colors.
All the year
Adults: Timetables to choose
Children: Timetables to choose
Cost. € 10 / Hour
Workshop: Acrylics and other inks
Damp techniques: Gouaches, acrylic and watercolor liquid (Talens ecoline)
The Damp techniques (gouache, acrylic and ecolines) allow you to create an expression in the paintings that we do not get with other techniques, its color is due to the type of pigments that make them up, also by the type of texture that can be achieved with materials such as gesso, casein, putty, etc. increasing experimentation in creating new concepts.
All the year
Adults: Timetables to choose
Children: Timetables to choose
Cost. € 10 / Hour

Workshop: Craft
Making crafts goes beyond boosting your creativity. By creating sculpture with your hands you are helping your body reduce stress and boost its concentration.
In this particular course we will teach you to work and develop your skills with different techniques that we will see throughout the course, we work with mache paper, ceramics, natural objects, recycled material, fibers and fabrics.
The projects that we can develop go from the simplest ones with papers and cardboard to the most daring projects like the decoration of furniture or interior decoration for your house, a bar or any place that you propose.
All the year
Adults: Timetables to choose
Children: Timetables to choose
Cost. € 10 / Hour
Workshop: Origami
From the emblematic crane, animals and insects to the useful pieces of packami, passing through interesting geometric bodies. This is a course of initiation to the technique of folding that leads us to discover the Universe that is inside a sheet of paper.
You will know the different kinds of origami and you will learn figures of each one, so that when concluding you will have a general idea of traditional origami, origami of ensanble and origami applied. The axis that unites the three classes is the learning of the reading of diagrams.
All the year
Adults: Timetables to choose
Children: Timetables to choose
Cost. € 10 / Hour

Workshop: Human Figure
This workshop focuses specifically on the study of the human figure, from natural models; it seeks to get students to learn anatomy, proportion, perspective, volumes, lights, shadows, etc; and gain with these concepts understand the complexity of the movements of the human structure and can apply them into a plastic work properly.
Our goal is to train the eye of the artist so you can use the knowledge gained in the workshop and give them personal and unique character to their works
All the year
Adults: Timetables to choose
Children: Timetables to choose
Cost. € 10 / Hour
Oil and ink on canvas - Huile sur Toile et encre
Author Eulalia BORRUT CASAS
"Complicity" - complicité
168 x 120 cm
Oil and ink on canvas - Huile sur Toile et encre
Author Eulalia BORRUT CASAS
Workshop: OILS
The use of oil painting it dates back to Middle Ages, with the oil is given prominence to the brushwork and new techniques appear as the fill, giving prominence to the stain and creating atmospheres; over the centuries have been discovering new materials and new techniques are implemented; this workshop will be of great help for students who want to deepen the study of new techniques based on the use of oil, thus allowing experience on all creative capabilities they offer this techniques.
This workshop will explain the basis for developing different techniques as glazes, sfumatto, textures, etc. We'll you give a series of creative and practical proposals that will allow you to experience.
All the year
Adults: Timetables to choose
Children: Timetables to choose
Cost. € 10 / Hour

Scratch board workshop
Scratch board is generally a technique of illustration, It is the deconstruction of visual meanings, we can apply it to the processes of reproduction and direct printing, for this technique previously must prepare the surface with gesso and should be covered with some kind of ink, the basis of generally dark paint with various tools is grated.
The Illustration sgraffito, by its process and its results and graphic effects are closely linked to the traditional techniques of gravure and woodcut.
All the year
Adults: Timetables to choose
Children: Timetables to choose
Cost. € 10 / Hour
Paul Kleen
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Next opening in our Gallery

Previous exposure

Nomada Yokai Exposicition
From April 21 to May 10
Let talk about the ancient galaxies natives, those which are authentic. The authentic life protectors found this lost planet in the corner of a low profile solar system, which harboured an incipient and primitive microscopic life in its ocean… They added part of their genetic information to this primal zone, fact that untied what we know as evolution… On the next millions of years, they minimally meddle with resultant ecosystems of each geologic eras of the planet; keeping the objective of leading the general life evolution. With the apparition of genocides, they decided a serious and frontal action; the attack, and that is our era: The Jokai’s attack in the space.

Los Remedios de Pablo Ramirez
From March 31 to April 14
Contact Us
Colibri Rojo Design Studio
Tel:(+34) 93 000 24 42 / 664405616
Email: colibrirojodesign@gmail.com
​ colibrirojopharma@gmail.com​
Address​​​​​​: C/ Mossèn Antoni Solanas, 63,
Sant Boi de Llobregat
CP 08830
Barcelona - Cataluña - Spain
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